The Church of the Open Bible is a place where anyone can come and be accepted for who they are no matter their past or current situations. We are a church of imperfect people and all of us have struggled with sin in our lives, but God has extended His love, forgiveness, grace and mercy to us through the death of His only son, Jesus, so we in turn want to share and show the same to everyone we meet.
A great place to get connected with others. Come and get connected with one of our groups.
We have High School and Middle School Youth Groups that meet on Wednesday Nights where they learn together to grow in Christ.
WEDNESDAY FAITH CASE KIDS (1st -5th grade) & Rainbows (Preschool - Kindergarten)
Wednesday nights are a fun time to come together and learn more about God and His word.
Children's Church is on Sunday mornings. The kiddos meet downstairs for a time of games, songs and learning. We also have a class for each age group on Wednesday Family Night where the children can come and spend more time having fun and learning about God's love and His word.
Monthly offerings are taken for M.V.P. (Mission Venture Plan); in addition, 5% of all tithes go to missions. We are focused on the support of several individual missionaries and their families.
The "Wings of Faith" radio broadcast was started in 1959 and is taped by Reverend Bob Weikert for play back on Sunday mornings on KIFG radio 95.3FM from 8:00-9:00am.